Keep it Together (2016) 

All In

Steadily grinding because we're beasts of burden

And taking our chances while the fires burning

The time to strike is present

If you're unsure then speak

Forming royalty outta peasants

Without any room for the weak

So, speak your piece

And beat your chest

Spin your yarn

Fail to impress

Words flow like a river into the dam of the unknown

Conviction is the dynamite that blows open a hole


Cause you're all in or you're out

Yea you're all in or you're out


Heavy weighs the heart given asylum to purpose

Ounces are lifted as you cut ties with the worthless

Even a flagship can sink when it’s weighed down

A god can end up with a thorn crown

So choose your companionship wisely

We're playing a team sport, glory’s unlikely

The odds are against us but I am relentless

All in on a goal that will be momentous

Cause you're all in or you're out

Yeah you're all in or you're out


Yeah you're all in or you're out

Yeah you're all in or you're out



There's something you should know about me

I don't fuck around, I've got tricks up my sleeves, see

Every move I make is a premeditated strike

Fool me once shame on me, don't expect to pull it twice

A pretty face doesn't trump common sense

So save the crocodile tears for a better audience

Cuz I have been the fool before so I know the tricks you have in store

Feigning for a fix, you'll do anything to make a score


Nothing you say is true it runs the gamut

Slowly consuming you gram by gram it's

Killing the girl I knew I just can't stand it


Denial denial self-righteous defile

Who is it you're trying to fool?

You fake it and fake it your biggest mistake is

Not seeing your actions are cruel

The people who love you have come to discover

There's nothing remaining to save

Snowflake you're one line away from the grave


The party never stops, it’s a door that’s always closed

It’s the bags under her eyes, her swollen stuffy nose

It's the sustenance for demons that have dug in with their claws

Minimizing all her blessings and highlighting all the flaws

It's the problem, the answer, and it varies day to day

It's the chemo, the cancer, the point that I’m trying to make

Is that she's cast under the spell of it, blows it cause she’s celibate

Swears she ain’t addicted she just loves the fucking smell of it


Nothing you say is true it runs the gamut

Slowly consuming you gram by gram it's

Killing the girl I knew I just can't stand it


Denial denial self-righteous defile

Who are you trying to fool?

You fake it and fake it your biggest mistake is

Not seeing your actions are cruel

The people who love you have come to discover

There's nothing remaining to save

Snowflake you're one line away from the grave



Sorry I’m Not Sorry

Wrapped up in the moment

And never working out the kinks

Making one too many choices

After one too many drinks

Yesterday you met a man

He had everything that clicks

And now that same man's here today

And he's the one that you want to fix


Well I'm sorry it didn't meet your expectations

Sorry that our love had complications

Sorry about the headaches

And I'm sorry about the heartaches

But most of all I'm sorry I'm not sorry

Most of all I'm sorry I'm not sorry


Somewhere on that highway, we lost ourselves just because

It's easier than seeking what we have vs what it was

It started off as fire, and it burned out into coal

Now we settle for the embers, because warmth is comfortable


Well I'm sorry it didn't meet your expectations

Sorry that our love had complications

Sorry about the headaches

And I'm sorry about the heartaches

But most of all I'm sorry I'm not sorry

Most of all I'm sorry I'm not sorry


Well I'm sorry it didn't meet your expectations

Sorry that our love had complications

Sorry about the headaches

And I'm sorry about the heartaches

But most of all I'm sorry I'm not sorry

Most of all I'm sorry I'm not sorry


Most of all I'm sorry I'm not sorry


Stop The Fall

By the skin of our teeth, with a sigh of relief

It's another hurdle in the rear view mirror

Licking our wounds with the journey resume

Making all our progress through trial and error


Beckon call to Murphy’s Law

It’s a four letter word on a bathroom wall

That's a premonition to a fate we can’t shake

Lady luck's glaring through the eyes of the snake


You can't stop the fall

Can't fight them all

You'll never stop the fall

But you can land on your feet

You can't stop the fall

Can't fight them all

You'll never stop the fall

But you can land on your feet


Boot to the face is a familiar taste

When you're at the bottom staring at the top of a ladder

No one believes in you ‘til you succeed but

Everybody wants a piece once you matter


Stick and move one day will prove

That a walk through hell might've left a bruise but

Every scar we own is worn with pride

Cause we stood back once the blood had dried


You can't stop the fall

Can't fight them all

You'll never stop the fall

But you can land on your feet

You can't stop the fall

Can't fight them all

You'll never stop the fall

But you can land on your feet


Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh


You can't stop the fall

Can't fight them all

You'll never stop the fall

But you can land on your feet

You can't stop the fall

Can't fight them all

You'll never stop the fall

But you can land on your feet



You, you won't get, you will not get a single tear

Instead, here's a pint of blood

Spread with a pen throughout 16 bars

My knees are weak and I'm seeing stars


And now, my resolve is set...I'm gonna embrace the only things I have

This guitar, this mic, and a frosted glass

And I hope, I hope for the best

Try to remember the good times while I try to forget this fucking mess


Because everything was all my fault or so you made it seem

One day this'll be forgotten and we can reminisce about the in between

When we were so in love it felt like something from a dream

But now I'm awake, heed my warning friends

Everything with a beginning is included with an end



Now, now if, tomorrow if I should die

If I die tomorrow I just want you to know

I wouldn't trade a single moment

For all the money in the world


My love for you ran deeper than the oceans in your eyes

You're more beautiful to me than all the clouds up in the sky

You always asked me for a song, I hope that this one is good enough

You will never be forgotten but its right about time that the ties are cut


Because everything was all my fault or so you made it seem

One day this'll be forgotten and we can reminisce about the in between

When we were so in love it felt like something from a dream

But now I'm awake, heed my warning friends

Everything with a beginning is included with an end


End... yeahhh... yeahhhhh


I said that everything was all my fault or so you made it seem

One day this'll be forgotten and we can reminisce about the in between

When we were so in love it felt like something from a dream

And now I'm awake, heed my warning friends

Everything with a beginning has a mother fucking end


Yeahhh yeahhh


Hipster Douchebag

I should wear another man’s shoes

Write songs about fictitious blues

In a tone that's ironic, mix my gin with tonic

And I'll never crack a smile


Hold apathy for my craft

Make fun of others when they laugh

Sneering while they pander I'd whisper in candor

Their sincerity is a bore


Well if we all think it's right

It sure as hell is wrong

It's all been done before

According, according to you


Conformity is a sin

I'd hate the world we're living in

Think of people as sheep, the only thing I’d believe

Would be found in forums that I read?


Harbor hate for its own sake

The authority on genuine and fake

Content with cheap domestic cans, I'd become the kind of man

Who’d rather judge than take a chance


Well if we all think it's right

It sure as hell is wrong

It's all been done before

According, according to you


Urination Citation

Natures calling

Zippers falling

Pulling out the trouser snake

Too much liquor

Never figured

This could be a big mistake

Stream is flowing

Fuck Josh Cohen

Sorry if it leaves a stain

 Package showing

 Flashlight glowing

 Officer let me explain


 When you gotta go you gotta go


What a bender

Sex offender

Or so they’d have you believe

Holy defile

Labeled pariah

Just for some bladder relief

Day in court

It’s sweet and short

Regarding to that day last may

Judge inquired

What transpired?

Your honor all I can say


When you gotta go you gotta go


Place Your Bets

The deck is stacked so the house always wins

And every hit that we take we take straight to the chin

But if they throw a jab, you can throw a haymaker

If they wanna be god you can be the forsaker

Fake or legit let em keep talking shit

The only fights lost are the ones that you quit

The legend is spread every time that it’s mentioned

You don’t need their respect if you’ve got their attention


The road to hell is paved with goodish intentions

So the heat is understandable now that you mention it

But if I step to Lucifer with a fire in my eyes

More intense then the elements found where he resides

He can knock me back or knock me out

But he’ll have to kill me to keep me down

Passion is garnered through the battles you’ve lost

It’s the fuel to the fire that feeds our resolve


You can look me the eyes and see genuine authenticity

What you see is what you get you don’t agree place your bets

And then when the cards are shown you can reap what you have sewn

What you see is what

You get don’t agree place your bets


Load In / Load Out

Load in, load out

Load in, load out

Load in, load out


Load in, load out

Rock a set, find a couch

Drink until it’s comfortable and pass the fuck out

5 hours under than it's on a new route

Get a gas station meal, it ain't genteel

Ramen and hot dogs have lost their appeal

Ballin on a budget always looking for a deal

We’re ballin on a budget looking for shit to steal

So crack another beer, twist up another blunt

Spark it in the back, pass it to the front

Wolf man at the wheel steady pushing on the ride

We're touring in a van with free candy on the side


Load in, load out

Load in, load out


Yo I got tacos in my belly, a 40 in my hand

I’ve been sleeping on a floor

I’ve been living in a van

Running out of hope

I'm running from the man

I ain't much for explanations try to understand

We're working on our fame one fan at a time

While we fuck up our lives one can at a time

Stale beer cheap whiskey, drink it up by the pint

You can find us on the highway steady crossing state lines

Cuz we're rocking sets across 48 states

Gonna catch a boat to Europe, hit up France for the crepes

Sold out show in china mackin out on rice cakes

Encore in Antarctica punch a penguin in the face


Load in, load out

Load in, load out


Broke strings broke dreams broke bones and lips

Until I break into this game

I'll be broke as shit

But you can remember my name

Cause I’ll never quit

I’ll get that money and

And I’ll stop writing about brokenness

Call me a chauvinist but one day I'll be the man

Look a gift horse in the mouth just because I know I can

Get a steed on spinnin rims on an easy payment plan

Economics ain’t a problem when you're in the Promised Land

But til that day comes we'll stay steady on our grind

Nomadic and erratic with inebriated minds

Drinking Rikaloff in Slurpee’s cause we just don't fucking care

Baby you can call us herpes, we ain't going anywhere


Rules Be Damned

A walking bag of nerves

Every action so perverse

Inside his own mind


Children can be cruel

Youthful actions can follow you

Throughout your whole life


The game, it evolves

But people never change

So rules be damned


A smile can be a mask

A handsome stopper in a cask

That holds a vile brew


Tormented ain’t void of guilt

Hypocrisy is the sand on which we've built

Our lives, all lies


The game, it evolves

But people never change

So rules be damned


Keep Moving

Crashing and burning

I’m tossing and turning

My stomach is churning

The one thing I’m learning


Is I can’t stop

It won’t stop


Sinking or swimming

The end is beginning

It’s so damn convincing

The room won’t quit spinning


Is I can’t stop

It won’t stop


So I keep moving,

I keep moving on


Don’t stop moving

I keep moving on


Close your eyes or look away

It’s only real if we permit it

Feigned innocence is wearing

And ignorance permitted


I can’t stop

It won’t stop


Choking on the anxiety

I can’t escape its tied to me

It takes the reigns consistently

And it whispers to me quietly


I can’t stop

It won’t stop


So I keep moving

I keep moving on


Don’t stop moving

I keep moving on


I keep moving

I keep moving on

 Don’t stop moving

I keep moving on


Cuz I can’t stop

It won’t stop


All That I Need

I've got the sun to my back

And a view of the shore

And I'm working a job, that doesn't feel like a chore

And I'm chasing a dream that one day will be lore

It ain't much, but it’s all that I need


I've got a hot cup of coffee

And tickets for a booze

And the bars got a table with new tips on the queues

And I'm living a life that ain't run by the news

It ain't much but it's all that I need


With a strong cell signal

And a fully charged phone

I got friends I can call, when I'm feeling alone

There's a good woman's love waiting for me at home

It ain't much but it’s all that I need


Now it’s another day

On the right side of the ground

I got the things that I've seen, and the love that I've found

With just enough gas to make it to the next town

It ain't much but it's all that I need


It ain't much but it's all that I need


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